Here is a little taste of what has been going on in
the life of Rachie the past two months.
Wasatch Back? Well, I didn't take pictures of actually running,
but I did get some awesome ones of us going crazy in the car.
Enjoy a selection:
Notice the crazed droll coming from Mr. Greg
more boredom
A baby tooth out of a Cheez-It
"I can't take it anymore!!!"
half of our team at the starting line
I wasn't able to finish all of my 21 miles due to a injured I.T. band.
I was pretty bummed, but there is always next year.
110 in the Shade? Again, I didn't really take lots of pictures,
but that doesn't mean I didn't love it.
Awesome show, awesome people, awesome time.
This is Lita and she is tiny.
This is Korianne and she is the
This is Hailey and she left us to NYC, but we still love her.
This is Laurel and she is the silliest.
This is Natalie and she is the most stylish.
This is me with Mr. Marvin Payne and he is the coolest cat in town
(and my crush).
This is me in a Swenson sandwich. Oh, boy!
And this is me with THE Audra McDonald.
Why, oh, why do I have awesome after-wig hair.....
After 110 I took a nice break from life and went to
Lake Tahoe. Stay tuned....