Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

110 in the Parade

This past Saturday our cast put on our shiny new costumes
 and shiny new shoes to hoof it in the Orem Summerfest Parade 
 the gang

The theater had this sweet 1940's Ford truck to accompany us 
and blast out our music for us to dance along to.
Me hoping to drive it and the boys setting up the sound system

It was nice to have said truck when we got a little tired from polking
Dancin' a Hoedown

To hop up and hitch a ride and rest aching feet. 
pleased to rest my blistering feet   

By the end some still looked fresh
aren't they precious?
But I looked like this:
 get me out of these shoes!

Although our little hooves hurt, it was a blast to be with friends
and promote our awesome show.
And the weather even cooperated with us. 
Then it was off to watch the fireworks.
It was perfect.
I love me some summer!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Top 10: Reasons I Love Summer

1. No more snow!
2. BBQs
3. 4th of July
4. Fireworks
5. Stargazing 
6. Popsicles/Ice Cream
7. Camping
8. Flip-flops
9. Sipping a cool drink by the pool
10. Anything outside

Here's to Summer of Rachel!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Lately, I have had some major addictions. 

Any advice on how to ween myself from the following:

Taco Bell Chalupas
(I want one everyday, anytime)
Riesen Chocolate Chews
My Red Toms 
(I plan my outfits around these shoes)
Amazing Corn Snack 
(Try this! You can find it in bulk at Good Earth)
Real Housewives of (insert major city)
Blue Bunny Neapolitan Ice Cream Sandwiches
Chex Mix
Homemade Wheat Bread
(made with my new Bosch!)
My bed

You guys, I am supposed to be training for a race!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I have never understood. 

Why is it trendy to take pictures on train tracks?
 Is it the hangout spot of your family?
Do you frequently let your children play on said tracks 
and therefore want to capture them in their play environment?
Are you wishing a train will come by so you don't have to be a parent anymore? 
Do you have reasons for being one of these offenders?
Really....humor me. 
I'm curious to know the logic behind the trend.
Don't get me wrong, the pictures look pretty cool.
And I'm all for a sweet pic of a train track like this:

But sticking kids, your family, or even worse,
yourself (for engagements) in this odd.
It's not natural, people.
Find a new trend.
And not the couch in the middle of a field one.....