Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I have never understood. 

Why is it trendy to take pictures on train tracks?
 Is it the hangout spot of your family?
Do you frequently let your children play on said tracks 
and therefore want to capture them in their play environment?
Are you wishing a train will come by so you don't have to be a parent anymore? 
Do you have reasons for being one of these offenders?
Really....humor me. 
I'm curious to know the logic behind the trend.
Don't get me wrong, the pictures look pretty cool.
And I'm all for a sweet pic of a train track like this:

But sticking kids, your family, or even worse,
yourself (for engagements) in this picture.....is odd.
It's not natural, people.
Find a new trend.
And not the couch in the middle of a field one.....

1 comment:

  1. oooooh....what about the abstract I hate you but secretly love you ones? those make convincing engagements. Sure...lets buy THIS couple a present...they will break up after the honeymoon....
