Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ode to the Rice Sock

Oh, beautiful rice sock,

Thank you for healing my aching body in the wee hours of the morning.

Your heat and oddly, your smell, lulled me to sleep.

You also helped the pains in my tummy feel loads better.

 At times you warm my feet,

Other times you loosen those pesky knots along my spine.

Rice sock, I'm glad we are friends.

Want to make your very own rice sock?


1. Take one CLEAN sock
2. Fill it with uncooked rice
3. Tie opening in a knot

To use:
1. Place in microwave for approx. 2 minutes
2. Put heated sock on desired area
3. Cultivate new friendship with repeated use

May turn into flaming sock of death and burn
your flesh off if you put it in the microwave too long

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